Intelligent access control system

The complete ecosystem for you to have absolute control of who and when has access to your airbnb,  condominium, home and office.

Market leaders use LoopKey

The perfect ecosystem

Because access control should be simple and with the right tools.


Foto da Fechadura LoopKey Bio


aplicativo loopkey


Sistema Corporativo LoopKey


The new LoopKey Bio brings the future of locks to you, through its unique and modern design.

Acesso Minimalist and Modern
Foto da Fechadura LoopKey Bio See more details BUY NOW Design Robust Prática LoopKey securely stores all property access data
allowing the site owner or administrator to see exactly
who and when had entered.
Gerenciamento Foto da Fechadura LoopKey Bio The LoopKey products are made with extreme rigor,
using only top quality materials making it a reliable
and long lasting product solution.
BUY NOW See more details Design Robust Easy to Use Robust with low
maintenance cost
Prática BUY NOW ProdutosLoopKey LoopKey locks offer a wide variety of ways to access
your property: cell phone, apple watch, numeric password,
tags and biometrics.
See more details Design Robust Easy to Use Never worry about
keys again


The portable and intelligent solution for access control, integrated with LoopKey’s locks and controllers or compatible systems.

Acesso Unlock your door remotely loopkey_app_circulos_bg loopkey app acesso Access Ask for a quote Never leave anyone out! With a few taps on your
smartphone you can add and remove accesses
Sharing Managing
Compartilhamento AppLoopKey Managing Ask for a quote Access Share access Instantly You can share the virtual key with whoever
you want from anywhere in the world.
Gerenciamento loopkey app gerenciamento Ask for a quote Access Know who had accessed
and when
LoopKey securely stores all access data allowing
only the site owner or administrator
to see exactly who and when they entered.
Managing Sharing


The corporate access management solution, for you to manage what really matters in a centralized and unified way.

Acesso Get detailed accesses
loopkey produtos corp untitled Total Control Smooth Reliable Ask for a quote Know everything that happens in every single door
of your property in real-time and better understand
it's use through our web dashboard.
Gerenciamento Securely control everything that happens
to all your smart locks and users
on a central dashboard
untitled Comprar LoopKey Total Control Smooth Reliable Create smart access groups
with restrictions
Compartilhamento SistemaLoopKey untitled Ask for a quote Total Control Smooth Reliable Manage access for
multiple sites and users
on a single and
integrated tool
Controle total Praticidade Confiável

... PRIVACY ...

At LoopKey we take your privacy and the security of your company very seriously.


Compliant with Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD)


Compliant with European Data Protection Law (GDPR)


Compliant with California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)


256-bit encryption developed in partnership with UnB and Unicamp

Advised by
Silva Matos ADV
Selo Análise Advocacia 2020


the LoopKey solution that fits your needs

My Office

My Home

Big Projects

What our customers say

LoopKey Representatives

We want to take our vision of access control to the whole of Brazil. Do you already work with access control, facilities and sales? Contact us now to become a LoopKey partner!

Mapa do Brasil